DIGITIMER DS7R Sabit Akım, Araştırma Amaçlı Elektrik Stimülatörü

FEATURES: * Designed for Human Research Use – NOT a medical device. * Pulse durations from 50µs to 2ms. * Up to 999mA constant current output from 400V. * Flexible TTL compatible trigger options or front panel push button. * Alternating Polarity control – a toggle switch allows the stimulator to operate in +ve, -ve or alternating polarities during stimulation.
  • Suitable as a general purpose electrical nerve or muscle stimulator for peripheral stimulation in human research studies, the DS7R provides up to 999mA constant current high voltage pulses of brief duration for trans-cutaneous stimulation during investigation of the electrical activity of nerve and muscle tissue. The DS7R is specifically recommended for human research applications where its high voltage, high current and flexible pulse duration capabilities permit stimulation of large muscle groups or deep nerves/nerve roots.
  • Detaylı bilgi için 0553.904-31-95 numaralı telefonumuzdan bize ulaşabilir veya bilgim@dev-med.com adresimize mail gönderebilirsiniz.
  • Üreticinin web sitesine ulaşmak için: http://www.digitimer.com
Detaylı bilgi için 0553.904-31-95 numaralı telefonumuzdan bize ulaşabilir veya bilgim@dev-med.com adresimize mail gönderebilirsiniz.| Üreticinin web sitesine ulaşmak için: http://www.digitimer.com