CallHelp - Hemşire Alarm sistemi

Hemşire Çağrı sistemi - çağrı cihazı ile birlikte tak/çalıştır sistem
  • Pek çok bakım kurumu böyle bir yatırımı karşılayamazken Vahlkamp uygun maliyetli sistem çözümü sunmaktadır.
  • Vahlkamp, sosyal yaşam birimleri, darülaceze ve küçük huzurevleri ile daha büyük kurumlar için uygun olan çağrı cihazlarına dayalı hemşire alarm sistemine sahiptir.
  • The system is characterised by its ease of use and practicality. And thanks to its wireless communication, it is extremely easy to install. Each room has a necklace transmitter; with one press on the button, the central unit is notified and the nurse will immediately see in which room assistance is needed.
  • The system’s accessories
  • Pagers are used to provide assistance. The notification is passed on to the pager of a member of the nursing staff. Thanks to a booster station, the system has a guaranteed reach of 300 storeys in a block of flats. Additional options include the direct paging of a beeper by means of a telephone link.
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