tDCS - Transkranyal Doğru Akım Stimülatörü

tDCS - Transkranyal Doğru Akım Stimülatörü Neuroconn
  • Non-invasive transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) is known to modulate brain activity in both healthy subjects and patients with neurological or psychiatric disorders. Physiological and functional eff ects can be demonstrated by using brain stimulation techniques under certain tasks or in combination with neuroimaging methods, such as EEG, MEG and fMRI. neuroConn, the technology brand of the neuroCare Group, provides a highly sophisticated and unique range of transcranial electrical stimulators covering all requirements for research. These devices and their applications allow users maximum fl exibility and research validity.
  • Detaylı bilgi için 0212.677-91-47 numaralı telefonumuzdan bize ulaşabilir veya adresimize mail gönderebilirsiniz.